Park Rapids area residents told us it’s the right time for a referendum, and the plan meets our needs while offering the best value for taxpayers.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit earlier this year, our district considered whether it was the right time to continue pursuing a referendum. Amid uncertainty and economic hardship, we wondered if our community would accept moving forward with a plan to improve our schools. The district took several factors into account to determine the time was right to propose a plan to voters.


First, the proposed plan is not a one-year or two-year plan to improve our schools. If approved by voters, this plan would be the most significant investment we will make in our buildings for the next 25 years. Today, interest rates are historically low, and it’s unlikely we will see them decrease in the next 2-3 years.


Second, the current state of the economy means construction contracts should be very competitive. In the next 2-3 years, the cost of those contracts could increase by 10-15%. Project labor is also widely available to support construction work.

If we wait, it won’t change the need to invest in our classrooms, improved mechanical and HVAC equipment, security and safety. But it is likely the cost to local taxpayers will increase.


We asked Park Rapids Area residents what they think. In a recent scientific survey, 75% of residents said they prefer a referendum this November versus waiting until next year. That gives us confidence that voters want the chance to make a decision on this plan.

Of course, the sooner we complete this project, the sooner students and staff will benefit from the investments. Our school buildings need to provide a healthy, dynamic environment for our students. As we safely resume face-to-face learning, it is critical to invest in improvements such as better air quality and ventilation; adequate space for our growing enrollment; and more career and technical training opportunities for students in a post-COVID world.


We encourage residents to consider voting from home by absentee ballot or voting early. Learn more about voting here.